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User Management in TallyPrime

Published on: 24-06-2022

All the company information and business transactions that you maintain in TallyPrime are safe. However, you can provide additional security by adding a username and password. Only Tally users with these credentials can access your business information. Moreover, you can create users in TallyPrime with different levels of access. User management in TallyPrime is simple and a convenient way to secure your company data and yet keep it up to date with appropriate business transactions.

You can further protect your data by using a TallyVault password. All the information including your company name will be encrypted. Only authorised users will be able to access the company. However, if you forget the TallyVault password, you will permanently lose access to your company information.

If more than one users in TallyPrime access your company information, you can provide role-based security rights to these users. By default, two security levels are available in TallyPrime: owner and data entry operator. Users who have the credentials for the owner security level will have the rights to access all the data and set up security, create, and update user information, and so on. On the other hand, the data entry operator will have the rights to record the vouchers, view certain reports, and so on. When you access the company with the owner credentials, you can add more users in TallyPrime, modify existing user credentials, remove users, alter the permissions for the different users in your company, and so on.

If you want to track which user has added, altered or deleted a transaction, or want certain users to have full permission to access the data, you will have to create a username and password for all these users, and assign the rights accordingly. For example, you can provide the data entry operator with voucher entry permissions only, and restrict the viewing of reports and recording of back-dated vouchers. For an accountant, you can provide all the data entry permissions, and provide access to certain reports only.


Enable Security | Control User Access

Before you can set users in TallyPrime and their user roles, you have to first enable the security feature for your company.

  1. Press Alt+K (Company) > Create/Alter. The Company Creation/Alteration screen will open.
  2. Set the option Control User Access to Company Data to Yes.
  3. Set the Username (Administrator) and Password. This user will have the administrator/owner privileges.
    The Company Creation Screen with Enabled User Access for Company Data Feature in TallyPrime
  4. Accept the screen.

Now when you press Alt+K (Company), you can see the user options under the User Management section.
The User Management Screenshot after Enabling User Access for Company Data Feature in Company Creation Screen



Users and Passwords | Set Up User Credentials

By default, two security levels are available in TallyPrime: owner and data entry operator. The owner can access all the data and set up security, create, and update user information, and so on, while the data entry operator can record the vouchers, view certain reports, and so on. As the owner, you can also add more users, modify existing user credentials, remove users, and alter the permissions for the different users in your company.

  1. Press Alt+K (Company) > Users and Passwords. The Users for Company screen will appear.
  2. Select the User Roles for the users that you want to create. For example, Owner, Data Entry Operator, and so on.
  3. Enter the relevant Username and Password.
    The List of Users for Company Screen with Data Entry User Roles, Username, and Password
  4. Press Ctrl+A to accept the Users for Company screen.


Password Policy

Using the Password Policy, you can activate additional options for the password, such as password strength, password expiry, and so on. Moreover, you can also enable certain users to change their own passwords.

  1. Press Alt+K (Company) > Password Policy. The Password Policy for Company screen appears as shown below:
    The Password Policy for Company Screen in TallyPrime
  2.  Enable the required options, and press Ctrl+A to accept the screen.


Change User

After the required users have been created in Users and Passwords (as shown in the previous section), the new user can now log in to the company. Let us consider that the new user is a data entry operator called Rajesh.

  1. Press Alt+K (Company) > Change User. The Change User screen appears.
    The Change User Screen for Company for New Username and Password
  2. Enter the relevant Username and Password
    The Change User Screen for Company

Under Password Policy, the Data Entry operator Rajesh was assigned the right to set his own password. Now when Rajesh logs in, he can see the option to change the password.

The User Management Screenshot for Change User and Change Password


Remove Users/Security Levels

You can remove the security levels provided for users when they are not needed.

  1. Press Alt+K (Company) > Users and Passwords. The Users for Company screen will appear.
    The List of Users for Company Screen for Data Entry User Roles in TallyPrime
  2. Place the cursor on the Security Level that is not needed.
  3. Press Spacebar to remove it and select End of list.
  4. Repeat this to remove the security levels that are not required.
    The List of Users for Company Screen in TallyPrime
  5. Accept the Users for Company screen.


User Roles – Security Levels | Set Up User Rights

If you want to track which user has added, altered or deleted a transaction, or want certain users in TallyPrime to have full permission to access the data, you will have to create a username and password for all these users, and assign the rights accordingly.

In this section:

  1. Security Levels for Company
  2. Set up User Rights
  3. Configure Security Rights Based on Scenarios
    1. Configure Security Rights for Vouchers
    2. Configure Security Rights for Back Dated Vouchers
    3. Configure Security Rights for Reports
    4. Configure Security Rights for Restricting Alteration of Stock Item Rates

Security Levels for Company

  1. Press Alt+K (Company) > User Roles. The Security Levels screen will appear.
    The Security Levels for Company Screen in TallyPrime
    You can see the Names of Security Levels, such as OwnerData Entry Operator, and so on. You can accept the names as is, or enter any name you want. For example, if Rajesh is the name of your data entry operator, then you can rename Data Entry to Rajesh, and accept the screen.
  2. In the Security Levels screen, assign the relevant rights for Rajesh.
    • Select Data Entry in the Use Basic Facilities of option, as Rajesh is an data entry operator.
    • Days Allowed for Back Dated Vouchers – By default this field is set to 0. Enter the required number of days. Alteration or insertion of backdated vouchers can be done within the given days from the date of last entry of vouchers.
    • Cut-off date for Backdated vouchers – You can specify the required date. TallyPrime does not allow you to record a transaction prior to the date mentioned. This can be used in addition to Days Allowed for Backdated Voucher. This input will be useful in situations where you have completed the audit and do not want any changes in the data.
    • Set Rules for Print Before Save – Use this option to prevent the printing of certain voucher type before saving the voucher, or restrict the printing all the available voucher types before saving the vouchers.
    • Exclude On Account from Bill Allocations – If you set this to Yes, then the user will not get the On Account option in the list of bill-wise reference types.
    • Exclude New Number from Item Allocations – If you set this to Yes, then the user will not have the option to select a new number in tracking and order references.
    • Allow company to connect – Set this to Yes if you need to connect the company to the Tally.NET Server.
    • Rules for Print Before Save -Set this to Yes to allow or disallow the user from printing certain voucher types.
    • Under Disallow/Allow the following facilities, select the Type of Access for the relevant items.
      The Security Levels Screen in TallyPrime
  3. Accept the Security Levels screen.

Set up User Rights

As an admin, you can set up security rights for the vouchers, reports, altering stock item rates, and others. You may give limited rights to users to only view the Back Dated vouchers and Statutory Reports and restrict their ability to record and alter them.

If you disallow creating and altering the reports, the user will not be able to drill down the reports like Day Book, Trial balance, Profit & Loss A/c, and others, or update any details in the report like Bank Reconciliation. However, the user will still be able to view the vouchers present in the report in Display mode by pressing Alt+Enter.

There may be occasions where you restrict the users from altering the stock item rates after the price list has been prepared, so that when an invoice is recorded, it will skip the rate field and use the rates from the price list.

In such situation, if the user tries to modify something for which he does not have the required permission, he will be notified with an error message.

  1. Alt+K (Company) > User Roles.
    The Security Levels for Company screen appears.
  2. Select the appropriate Security Level from the List of Security Levels and press Enter.
  3. Enter the Security Levels details.
    1. Enter the user role in the Use Basic Facilities of field by selecting from the Security List.
      The Name of security level field is prefilled with the security level that you have provided or selected the existing security level under the List of Security Levels on the Security Levels for Company screen.
    2. Enter the other required fields in the Security Levels screen, as applicable.
  4. Under Disallow/Allow the following Facilities, select the Type of Access for the relevant items.
  5. Select End of List to come back to the Security Levels for Company screen.
  6. Press Y to accept the screen.

Configure Security Rights Based on Scenarios

Security levels can be configured to allow or disallow access to a feature. Various type of access can be provided to a feature such as Full Access, Create, Alter, Display, Print, and Preview.

We will explore some scenarios you may have to deal with, while running your business and how TallyPrime can assist you in setting up security rights based on user roles.

Configure Security Rights for Vouchers

Scenario 1: Allow only viewing of the vouchers.

  1. Enter details under the Disallow the following Facilities column.
    1. Select Full AccessVouchers.
  2. Enter details under the Allow the following Facilities
    1. Select DisplayVouchers.
      Setting Security Rights for Users to only View the Vouchers

Scenario 2: Allow creation and alteration of current dated vouchers.

  1. Enter the details under the Disallow the following Facilities column.
    1. Select Full Access > Vouchers.
  2. Enter details under the Allow the following Facilities
    1. Select Create/Alter > Vouchers.
      Setting Security Rights for Users to only Create or Alter the Vouchers.

Configure Security Rights for Back Dated Vouchers

Scenario 1: Allow viewing and printing of Back Dated vouchers.

  1. Enter details under the Disallow the following Facilities column.
    1. Select Full AccessBack Dated Vouchers.
  2. Enter details under the Allow the following Facilities
    1. Select Display/PrintBack Dated Vouchers
      Setting Security Rights for Users to only Display or Print Back Dated Vouchers.

Scenario 2: Allow alteration of Back Dated vouchers and disallow creation of Back Dated Vouchers.

  1. Enter details under the Disallow the following Facilities column.
    1. Select Full Access > Back Dated Vouchers
  2. Enter details under the Allow the following Facilities
    1. Select Alter > Back Dated Vouchers

Configure Security Rights for Reports

Scenario 1: Allow viewing and printing of Reports.

  1. Enter details under the Disallow the following Facilities column.
    1. Select Full Access > select any specific report such as Day BookTrial BalanceProfit & Loss A/cPayroll Reports, and so on.
  2. Enter details under the Allow the following Facilities column.
    1. Select Display/Print > select specific report to view and print such as Day BookTrial BalanceProfit & Loss A/cPayroll Reports, and so on.
      Setting Security Rights for Users to only Display or Print the Reports

Similarly, you can also configure Security Rights for Statutory reports and Inventory reports based on the user roles.

Scenario 2: Allow viewing and printing of Statutory Reports.

  1. Enter details under the Disallow the following Facilities
    1. Select Full Access > select any specific statutory report such as TCS ReportsTDS ReportsService Tax Reports, and so on.
  2. Enter details under the Allow the following Facilities
    1. Select Display/Print > select any specific statutory report to view and print such as TCS ReportsTDS ReportsService Tax Reports, and so on.

Configure Security Rights for Restricting Alteration of Stock Item Rates

Note: It is necessary to prepare a price list for the required stock item at different price levels before restricting users from altering the stock item rates. Therefore, when an invoice is recorded, the rate field will be skipped, and the rates from the price list will be used.

Click here for the detailed instructions on how to create a Price list for stock items.

Configure the following setting to restrict users’ access to alter stock item rates.

  1. Enter details under the Disallow the following Facilities
    1. Select Full Access > Accounts Masters
    2. Select Full Access > Price List
    3. Select Full Access > Override Invoice Defaults
  2. Enter details under the Allow the following Facilities
    1. Select End of List
      Setting Security Rights for Users to Restrict Alteration of Stock Item Rates

As a result, this allows the user to alter/create/display/print the current dated vouchers, reports, statutory reports, back dated vouchers, or others based on their assigned security level. Any activity for which a user does not possess the necessary security level cannot be performed.

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